All QES staff now working from home
Due to the current pandemic and following the advice by the government, all QES staff will now be working from home. We will continue to provide the same level of support for your business needs.
Please continue to call the office as usual on 01454 269576; where you’ll be put through to the correct department, email your normal contacts directly or log a support request at www.qes-online.com/servicedesk
For all other enquires, please simply email info@qes-online.com
Please stay safe and look after yourselves during these difficult times.

We are proud to be the UKs leading provider of software solutions helping to safeguard children and vulnerable adults. Our Holistix Safeguarding digitalisation programme continues to evolve and support this imperative work.
Find out more..

Working in collaboration with the Mayor of London's zero suicide ambition, Suicide Alliance and South Yorkshire region to bring together multi-agency information to learn from these tragic events and help to implement prevention.
Find out more..

The Case Review suite continues to expand and is now being used to support children's Serious Practice Reviews, Serious Adult Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews across England. Find out more..

QES have developed a revolutionary tool to support the secure and efficient management of allegations made against professionals working with children. Our rapid review, action tracking and trend analysis features help to successfully review allegations and improve safeguarding for our children. Find out more..
QES Wins HSJ Award
In collaboration with Mid Cheshire Hospital our Bed Management (BBM) and Integrated Discharge (IDT) system wins this years award for Connecting Services and Information. Click here to view the benefits.
eCDOP continues to evolve
Now supporting over 80% of all Child Death Reviews in England and automatically links to the Worlds first National Child Mortality Database.
Find out how eCDOP can help you.