Our Solutions - Data Quality Portal
Improving data quality held within individual team source IT systems is a constant target, having high quality and complete information saves practitioner time, aids communication and helps to improve outcomes for citizens.
The Data Quality Portal provides a secure online application where users can access the feedback analysis of the quality, completeness and potential data improvements in regard to the recent data sets that their team have shared into the Data Hub.
An example of this type of analysis would for instance be that the Social Care system had shared 5,000 adult care records into the Data Hub, the analysis tool would then be available to provide information back to the source, for example;
- Total number of records imported
- Total number of records that passed validation checks
- The areas that validation failed on
- Possible duplicates (including detail of who and why)
- Additional addresses linked to a citizen
- Suggested data upgrades – NHS number, DOB etc
This information is provided to the user via two methods, online dashboards for fast checking of overall analysis and also with the use of reporting. These reports can be saved and downloaded in multiple formats, word, excel, pdf etc.