Signposting Portal

This solution provides a secure online repository where Multi Agency practitioners log in to search for a comprehensive Golden View of a person and/ or their family.

If a person has been referred into a team, practitioners with the appropriate security level can search to find out who else has already engaged with that citizen. Their security level will determine the level of information they’re permitted to see

e.g. Accessing the system with the lowest security level could present a list of services/professionals that have had contact with the citizen in last 3 months. Users with higher access permissions could view the contact and then drill into the case notes and documentation behind it.


The exact information available to a practitioner and the security roles that are able to access each element of this are decided by the client during the implementation process.


Likewise, the elements of information displayed within the Golden Record view are selected by the client during implementation, meaning your organisation will get exactly the view and information you require.


This module delivers the ability for your Multi-Agency users to quickly and efficiently find out what you and your partners already know about a person or their case and what's happened to date, saving valuable resource trying to find out and costly re-assessments when potentially these are already in place.